Friday, February 15, 2008

Rant of a Tired Man

The decisions we make everyday will reflect our views, beliefs, friendships, family, relationships, and anything else that has any meaning. But if we do not make the correct decisions, or more so the decisions we want to make, they can affect our lives in ways we never could have thought of. No one wants to stop to realize how these indecisive ideas can affect everyone around them, even if they had no intention of such. Albeit hard to do so, especially when there is very little feeling towards most others we meet. Because who can honestly say they care for their friends, family, co-workers, nearly as much as themselves. Very few. Grant it this is hard to do even for the most selfless people. It is in our nature to look out for ourselves first, anyone else will come a distant second. But in those brief moments where one person can be so distant of his own human needs, and can justly feel for another person is truly phenomenal. Few and far between these might be this is what most of us strive and live for; those rare opportunities to feel completely vulnerable and open to another person. But again, this is an incredible scarcity and most of us are not going to go out of their way to allow another to feel this unless we get the same in return. So how can one be so altruistic? Is the answer to find faith and believe that there is another place where everyone will be this way? Maybe one day when you are long gone from this world you will reach a place where man is for everyone else. Could the answer be that it’s impossible and that man is and always will be that thorn in Mother Nature’s side? And maybe you should just give in, be as egocentric as possible and realize there is no greater end result. A holy man will most definitely agree with the former, stating that only faith in a higher power, not man, will allow you to feel this way. A cynical will obviously suggest the later, that it is the will of man to never absolutely care or love for anyone but himself. So which do you consider yourself? A holder of faith and the divine or an advocate of rationality for what you can see every day? This can only be your decision to make but realize that it will not only affect you.

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